Introducing our exquisite collection of Real 7 Chakra Bonded Pendulums Charms, designed to harmonize and balance your energy centers for enhanced well-being and spiritual connection. Crafted with utmost care and precision, each pendulum charm is a unique blend of natural gemstones representing the seven chakras, providing a powerful tool for divination, energy healing, and personal growth.
7 chakra Pendulum
Instructions On How To Use Your 7 chakra Pendulum Hold the pendulum between your thumb and index finger with your elbow slightly bent at your side.
Use the hand that feels most comfortable for you.
Relax! It is important to let the natural vibrations of your own body move through your hand to the pendulum.
The 7 chakra Pendulum works like muscle-testing or kinesiology: your sub-conscious knows what you need to know.
The pendulum will show you the answer by picking up and amplifying the subtle vibrations from your sub-conscious, causing the pendulum to swing! You can ask any question to get a YES or NO answer.
How To Interpret Yes/No For many people, when the pendulum swings left and right this can be interpreted as a “NO”.
If the pendulum swings to and fro, then this can be interpreted as a “YES”.
If your 7 chakra Pendulum swings elliptically, clock-wise, counter-clockwise, or in some other gyration or even stays rigidly still, you must interpret this as best you can.
Here’s a hint: Ask your pendulum something that is true: “IS MY NAME ……………… ? (insert your real name) Note what the response is.
This will give you a “YES”. Now ask your pendulum something that you know is not true: “IS MY NAME James?” Note what the response is. This will give you a “NO”.